How to communicate a complex social message to attract exactly the right folks?
Uniterra selected Communicarium to partner with them on a recruitment campaign that was unlike anything they had done before.
The message we developed was simple and clear: relatable, grounded and actionable.
So exciting to see the campaign build and grow over time.
CIO Strategy Council
The movers and shakers of the CIO Strategy Council make things happen.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
In 2018, the Environmental Coordination Department at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) knew the oceans were in trouble due to the unsustainability of single use plastics.
The public were just learning about this and DFO wanted to create a bilingual internal communications campaign so staff and suppliers would be well-informed and ready to take action on this important issue.
Catalyst Kanata
Kanata's modern workspace. Brought to you by Merkburn.
Kanata Food Cupboard
Rebranding to build awareness and support – and to get results.
We created a long-term strategy to build engagement with more community members than ever before.
Together, we worked to deliver a campaign that was fresh and fun yet urgent and professional.
How to celebrate 50 years of success?
For over 50 years, JobTrain has been providing career training and support to people who want a better life. Communicarium was brought on to ensure that the next 50 mean more success for more people who are struggling with lack of employment opportunity. We delivered the video to support their #MoveTheNeedle campaign to get more people connected with training that can bring them new opportunities.
Pelee Entertainment
Creating an online presence for this growing entertainment company to reflect its brand of professionalism, creativity and high quality.
Heart of Orleans Business Improvement Association
The only constant is change and that’s certainly true for this community at the east end of Ottawa that has grown exponentially in sophistication and innovation.
Communicarium was selected to lead their long-term marketing strategy, applying creative thinking and new ways to engage their public.
Kanata North Business Association
In 2015, the KNBA commissioned a comprehensive economic impact study. The results were excellent, detailed and exhaustive.
The challenge was to communicate the outcomes of the study in a user-friendly and relevant way to city officials, media, business owners and residents.
In 2018, the KNBA commissioned a follow up report and Communicarium, based on the success of the first campaign, worked with them to create the second.
TEDx Kanata
Ideas worth spreading…
TEDx Kanata is now in its seventh year and we are thrilled to be a part of it, as members on the organizing committee, in creating the look and feel each year, and in producing the promotional/introduction videos.