Kanata North Business Association
How can a Technology Park best share its many successes?
We shared the amazing statistics from a comprehensive research project and communicated them in a way that’s fresh, easy-to-follow and visual.
In 2015, the KNBA commissioned a comprehensive economic impact study. The results were excellent, detailed and exhaustive. The challenge was to communicate the outcomes of the study in a user-friendly, relevant, and “plain language” way to governments, media, businesses, and residents.
In 2018, the KNBA commissioned a follow up report and Communicarium, based on the success of the first campaign, were approached to create the second. We were elated!
Kanata has raised its economic and business profile significantly as a result of this campaign at the local, provincial, national, and international levels and have attracted substantial amounts of new business and investment in the region. Way to go KNBA!
By telling stories.
By changing their conversation from techtalk or businessspeak to a dialogue.
By sharing photos of the incredible sense of community the folks have built here.