Uniterra / WUSC / CECI / #GetHighered
How to relay a complex social message to attract exactly the right folks?
Uniterra selected Communicarium to partner with them on a recruitment campaign that was unlike anything they had done before.
The details were complex: volunteers who work overseas and are given a stipend to live on so they are not out of pocket; a mandate to help partners overseas so women and youth are more engaged in economic activities and able to create a prosperous future for themselves and their families.
The message we developed was simple and clear. For volunteers, this is a long-term commitment. The relationship between Uniterra and the wonderful volunteers who work overseas is one that is nurtured and built over time through mutual trust and regard.
The campaign we developed is never simply transactional; It respects that long-term relationship-building element and is growing and developing over time, a recruitment campaign that is both a short- and long-term success.